
Surprising news from Özyağcılar couple! They took the breath in court!

Erdal-Güzin Özyağcılar agreed with a master for the needs of their house in Sarıyer.

Yilmaz K., which was understood to be 90 thousand, took 80 thousand and disappeared.

The famous couple lost the money to the person they agreed on for the renovation in their house.

Master Yılmaz K., to whom Özyağcılar couple went to the police station and reported, defended

himself by saying, “My wife is sick.” The famous couple, who recently wanted to renovate their

house in Sarıyer, contacted Yılmaz K., the builder they used to work with.

The famous artist agreed with the master for 90 thousand liras for paint, whitewash and repairs.

Yilmaz K., 46, who sent 60 thousand liras to start work, demanded another 20 thousand liras for

the materials to be purchased after a while. The famous artist, who sent the money to the young

man’s bank account upon request, could not reach the young man after a while.



 Yilmaz K., whose statement was taken in the investigation initiated after t

he notification, stated that he could not start work because his wife was sick at the hospital.

Yılmaz K., who stated that he would return the money and would no longer do the job, stated that

he could not do his job due to the treatment his wife received and that he was innocent.

The investigation is ongoing.

Özyağcılar çiftinden herkesi şaşırtan haber! Soluğu mahkemede aldılar!


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